“When in doubt, don’t.”
Usually I ‘don’t’, but I managed to push myself in another direction.
Without an idea which way to go next on the painting schedule, I turned to jewelry. Designing jewelry is a lot like painting. There are colors, shapes and spacial relationships to overcome.
Agate Necklaces ©Dora Sislian Themelis |
It’s the same creative process to work through, but the outcome is a little different. Still, as with paintings, someone has to be drawn to a piece to want to own it.
Raspberry Agate Necklace ©Dora Sislian Themelis |
Paintings go up on someone’s wall in a space. Jewelry gets to be worn and taken out into the world on someone’s body. Same idea, but different.
Raspberry Agates ©Dora Sislian Themelis |
So yeah, I thought a little jewelry distraction might be in order and put the paints aside for a little while to arrange some gorgeous semi precious stones. That shopping event is in September, but I may as well be prepared with items to sell. Unless I love these pieces too much to part with them.
Blue Agate Necklace ©Dora Sislian Themelis |
Blue Agate Necklace ©Dora Sislian Themelis |