Photos for Friday-Action!

There’s usually not that much excitement going on in my neck of the woods, except for this week. Nassau County Court House in Mineola, New York on Long Island, was host to a movie crew and famous actors. Al Pacino was filming a movie about the music legend Phil Spector, who was convicted of murdering his girlfriend. He was known for developing what was called the Wall of Sound.
Anyway, the movie people seemed to think our main court building looks like California. They even brought palm tress for out front. I never saw Al.
I was just going to the farmer’s market which is nearby and saw all this action. The farmers were saying they hoped the actors would just stay in their trailers and leave the market alone. Maybe they did, or didn’t, I don’t know, but I drove by and snapped some pics of the action.
All kinds of movie stuff was there, trailers, extras, and the local news vans. And me.

Photos for Friday-Veggie Haul

A lot of renovations are happening at our service station business as you can see by these photos. Out with the old pumps, tank, etc., and in with the new equipment. Let’s time from break down to completion will be 8 weeks. Yes, into September. 
Maybe it’s time for a vacation? Can we afford to leave with all this going on? I’ll have to think about it. In the mean time, take a look at my latest veggie haul. Isn’t it just beautiful? Makes me want to paint, and that’s a good thing. Pretty delicious too. Stay cool everybody!

Tuesday No-Show at the Easel

Daylilies and Hydrangea in the garden at 7AM this morning

Sorry I was a no-show yesterday.  I had one of those days that would not stop for anything.  My morning started at the farmer’s market.  I was disappointed with the produce as the veggie guy didn’t have much with him.  Maybe he was having a bad growing week.  Then the fruit guy was out of fruit, so I visited the cheese guy and bought cheese.  Okay.  Cheese is not fruit, but I decided to splurge.  I love cheese.

When I returned home I had phone calls to make that I have been putting off.  House stuff, laundry (people need clean clothes you know), oh and a library stop to pick up books I ordered.  Tried to cross things off the to-do list and not making much of a dent.

After lunch I was meeting a good friend for Starbucks coffee and to dish the dirt!  We don’t get too many chances to get together often so it was a real treat.  That took up three, nice long hours, but worth every minute!  She’s an art lover and is encouraging me to set up some sort of gallery show somewhere.  I’d like to do that, but I’m afraid I may not have enough work.  I have to think about it.

Later I had to plan our dinner, prepare the dinner, serve the dinner, clean up after dinner and finally sit down in front of the TV to just veg. 

Painting? Nope.  Thinking about painting?  Yup.  Planning the next painting already even though the current one isn’t finished at all? Uh huh!  What’s interesting is that I’m not in resistance mode, just moving along.

I’ll try again today.

Artist Date at the Farmer’s Market

On Tuesdays in my neighborhood, the farmer’s market comes to town and I love it!  If the weather is as beautiful as today it’s the best.  I like to get there early, before everyone else shows up and buys the gorgeous vegetables.  The market opens at 7 A.M., but I never make it that early.  I try to be there by 9:00 for a good choice of different lettuces and spinach, which sell out fast.  It’s still early in the growing season for many items, but the greens are a big thing and they’re usually plentiful in the cooler weather.
Today I got myself together early and decided this was going to be my artist date for this week.  Just a simple stroll in the comfortable sunny weather to buy my produce and mosey through the stands to sample some cheese here and a slice of artisan bread there.  The vendors stay until 1:00P.M. and by that time it’s crowded and depleated.  Not for me, I like it early and empty!  The birds are still singing, not alot of people or cars whizzing by, a pure pleasure.
I bought the lettuce and the spinach.  The veggie vendor had red, ripe strawberries.  I could smell the sweetness before I saw them,  The fruit guy had fresh picked cherries and blueberries.  All great stuff.  There’s a cheese guy, a wine stand, a fish monger, a cupcake shop, a bread baker, and a plant stand.  Some days there’s a cookie baker and last week I met a woman who made her own spice rubs, marinades and BBQ sauces from Guyana.  I think I saw a booth last week with homemade mustards.  Most of the vendors come from the east end of Long Island and some from upstate New York.
Visiting the farmer’s market on a beautiful day makes me feel great all day long.