Shameless Self-Promotion, Sunflowers and a Sale

Sunflowers Outside (c)2011 Dora Sislian Themelis
The workshop weekend went great. Alyson B. Stanfield conducted a two day workshop called Shameless Self-Promotion which was hosted in Bohemia, NY, on Long Island, by a group of artists called Women Sharing Art. I was on the fence about attending, but how could I miss an opportunity like this, practically in my own backyard? 

Everyone was lovely, friendly, and accommodating. The information Alyson gave us was invaluable. Being part of a group of artists, each one with their own talents and experience, made me feel like I had a community, rather than me and my lonely self in my studio. After signing on, I received email from Alyson on what to bring, and expect, to the workshop which was business cards, a portfolio of work, an open mind and a willingness to work, and I did.
A few years ago I read Alyson’s book I’d Rather Be In The Studio and it was a big push for me to get myself and my work “out there.” There’s no magic bullet. You have to work at it, and put the work into it. As Alyson says, the paintings do not speak for themselves, but the artist can and must. It was wonderful to meet the author in person! Alyson looks great, my hair is doing something funny. 

All of us were pretty excited to meet our icon! I chose a chair up front, as is my habit. When I sit in the back of a room I tend to become distracted. Another artist came to sit at my table and asked if there was room. Of course, I said. When I looked at her name tag I recognized it as a casual Facebook “friend” and said “Mary? I’m Dora!” We started screaming and hugging!
About a month ago, Mary wrote on Facebook that she had decided to attend this workshop and said “Who’s with me?” I answered her with “I’m just thinking about it..” Imagine our surprise when we realized who each of us was, sitting at the same table! This social media thing is amazing, as Alyson explained.

Some artists brought their postcards, others their laptop/iPad/iPhone for their portfolio. I went “old school” with my old presentation case holding some of my work from this past year. Everyone was excited to see each other’s art. A table-mate looked through my watercolors and fell for one of my sunflower paintings, and I was happy to sell it to her. I hope it makes Grace happy when she looks at it! 
What a wonderful experience this was. We had the chance to meet other artists, learn networking and art business skills, build relationships, move out of our comfort zone to try something new, and hopefully, cultivate collectors of our art.

I Hate Computers, Sometimes

Yeah, yeah, I know, I should be finished with this Artist’s Way stuff already.  Slowly, slowly, I continue on.  Well, it’s interesting stuff and helping me to be creative more ofter and feel good about it, but it’s  s  l  o  w. And it’s slow, because I’m so slow on the uptake here.  Ok, give me a break.  I’m getting there. 

My computer is not co-operating today.  I’m sitting at my desk waiting for it to move along, like me I guess.  I was trying to comment on another blog and the computer wouldn’t let me.  How many times did I have to enter the stupid password so the comment would post?  Ack!  So while I was waiting I was tweeting how annoyed I was.  Yes, I’m Miss Social Media now.  And since I couldn’t post my comment fast enough I went over to facebook to look at that.  Finally I decided I’ve had enough, closed down the computer and turned it on again, only to find out that I needed some new add-on or I won’t be able to comment on anything!  Fun!  Turn it on, turn it off, re-start, slap the monitor, let’s go already!  Do I need this?  All I want to do is make my little connections, laugh a little bit, update some stuff, write my post and be outta here!!!  Is that possible?  Huh?

No, the computer says.  You must close down and restart to resume.  Oh lucky me.  I’m thrilled to pieces.  I do it and here I am, late to my own party.  I like getting things done early.  I like waking up early and getting on with my thing.  But today it’s not happening.  Nope!  My morning is wasting away.

I wanted to write about what I read in Walking in This World.  If I could only finish this and be doing what the book says, but I’m not finished and I’m still not doing everything.  I guess it’s no big deal, who’s going to give me an “F”?  Maybe me.  I can’t get out and walk no matter what the book says.  And the Artist’s date thing?  Can you call a trip to the nearest Marshall’s discount store an Artist’s Date?  How about food shopping?  I don’t think that’s what they meant.

The section I wanted to discuss was about insecurity.  The author writes that sometimes we don’t think we’re as good as we are, or as the next guy, and it could make us hostile.  We can become overwhelmed with our state of creativity, but the Universe is not.  There is always endless supplies Plan B. As an artist, we’re encouraged to like ourselves just the way we are.  I guess there’s hope for me after all.  When we’re insecure we end up with self-pity, and that’s not great to wallow in.  Feeling pity, or sorry for one’s self is a little like a self-inflicted drama, poor me thing.  It’s frustrating.  As I read I agreed that “self-pity is born of fatigue and a rest or a nap is beneficial daydreaming.” 

After this long, slow morning with the idiot box I’m playing with I could use a bit of creative daydreaming.  I’ll see you all later, I’ve got things to do!

Thanks But I Need to Get Off the Computer, NOW

Surprised is not the word, when I checked here the other day and saw that a fellow facebook “friend”, fan, and Etsy shop seller thought enough of my creativity to send me this Sunshine Blog Award.  Michele is the purveyor of a shop called By Your Side.  Many of us creative types have a shop at Etsy with original art, hand crafts, vintage items, etc. 

Getting exposure is not an easy task, but most everyone is involved in the internet in some way, whether it’s facebook, twitter, blogs and the like.  Lately, on facebook artisans have been linking to each other’s business and fan pages in the hopes of more exposure to more people with similar interests and the possibility of sales of the various items.  SEO, or Search Engine Optimization is the focus.  Many of the artisans, but not all, are people at home with children, finding the time in their day to connect with others about their craft, maybe help with the family’s finances.  I’ve come in contact with some lovely people of all kinds.  Michele was nice enough to pass on this blog award, and in accepting it I now must pass it on to twelve other bloggers, link to their blog, let them know about the link with a comment, and finally share a thank you to the blogger bestowing the award.  A daunting task!  I’m not the most adept at computer stuff, so it will take a little work and possibly more time than I can spend on it. 

It’s fun and all, but I’m trying to get myself motivated for painting and creative pursuits rather than get stuck on the computer trying to figure out how to link to this and that.  Could take a fair amount of time that I would prefer to use otherwise.  Bad enough I’m in a bit of resistance and now I might be blocked again because I feel bad not to reciprocate.  It’s like those chain letters you get in the mail that say, “If you don’t send out 12 copies of this letter something bad will happen in 24 hours!  Do not break the chain!”  Oh when I see those things I throw them right in the trash.  There’s no way I’m falling for that one.  Have you ever received the ones that say something about holy prayers being said as the chain letter went out to all the selected people and if you break the chain Holy hellfire will erupt?  No, not going there either.  Dump that one even faster! 

So now a lovely person has added my blog to this award.  I’m really grateful, but now instead of getting on this computer, checking email, having my say here and there about art, now I’ve got a job.  I’m sorry to say it, but it really becomes a job and I was hoping my job would be to PAINT! 

I’m not sure I can do all the linking that’s been asked of me, but I’m happy to link Michele and her facebook fan page.  Have some fun, look around at her page and some of the other wonderful creatives there.  If I’m free I might try to link up a few more people, but hopefully they’re not like me and feel like this is the chain letter from hell.