I’m Taking a Break

I need a break so bad after this weekend and I’m taking it today!  Yes, the chores I ignored must be done, but that’s it.  I’m going to drop out today, enjoy the sunny weather, and just veg.  I just went to the farmer’s market this morning for some fresh vegetables and came back home.  Painting will have to wait. I’m going to ease my achy back into a chair and skim throught the couple of books I bought at our flea market.

Later tonight our church is holding a volunteer’s dinner and wrap-up.  I can’t wait to hear what kind of numbers we did in the flea market and meet up with my co-chair and our ladies!  They were a lot of fun to work with.  I’m sure the gossip will be plentiful!  I already heard that one worker is mad at me for something.  We had plenty of action in that flea market and we’re bound to hear stuff.  During the weekend we had an altercation with a shopper who wanted to tell us to go ‘somewhere’.  When I told my sister we almost had a fight with this woman she said “Yeah! I love a good fight!” 


Taking a Break to Knit

Sometimes when there are too many things going on at once I find it’s hard to slow down.  My to-do list has a to-do list!
The cherry blossoms watercolor painting is moving along smoothly and I’ve been finding time to get to it almost every day.  I’m afraid I’ll over-work it, as I’m known to do.  If that happens there’s no going back.  Watercolors are not very forgiving and things could get ugly real fast.

What do I turn to?  Knitting!  Yes, that’s right, on with the next project!  Like I don’t have enough things going on. 

Knitting is something you do sitting down.  I’ve knitted standing up, but it’s not that comfortable and sometimes the stitches are uneven.  When I have some free time or after dinner in my cozy spot, I sit and I knit.  I started this particular pair of socks on the plane on my trip to Florida in November. 

Sock knitting is addictive.  Once you learn to knit socks you can’t stop.  I have three pairs going on at once.  If I get bored with one color of socks I move on to another.  Just thinking about knitting on those socks makes me itchy.  It’s a close second to painting, I’ll say that.  Knitters talk about “the second sock syndrome”, but not me.  If I have three sets in the works I don’t get bored enough to give up on knitting up the second sock of the pair. 

Lately I’ve been getting allergy shots and this sock knitting is my companion.  Once a week I let them stab me with needles and I wait twenty minutes to see if I’ll have a reaction.  I mosey on to the waiting room and get cozy with my knitting.  It’s a blissful twenty minutes.  The thing is, I’m forced to occupy myself for that time.  I’m not home to do laundry, run errands, paint, I’ve got to sit there and wait.  People come and go, there I sit knitting.  I’m embarrassed to say I’ve been so involved in my sock that I’ve knitted way past the time I should be there. 

Knitting, along with painting, is always on the to-do list.