Knitting my Way Out

Painting is just not happening here, guys. Mr. Resistance and Mrs. Distraction, yes I decided distraction is female, have taken up spots on the couch and aren’t even thinking of leaving soon.

So I’m knitting.

Big Rib Hand Knit Cowl ©Dora Sislian Themelis
Well, not just knitting, but photographing the finished products, and uploading them to my Etsy shop. You’re welcome to go and browse, if you like. No pressure to shop, don’t worry.
Besides knitting, I’m working on a new project. I’ve taken the plunge and ordered my own domain name. Yeah, now I’m a “dot com.” Don’t ask too many questions, because I really don’t have many answers. Seems it’s the thing to do, but Man, is it a difficult trek through uncharted waters.
Learning curve is steep, deep, thick, and hard work.
In “dot com” land the language isn’t English. Yes, I read the explanation of whatever, it seems to make sense, but the words do not mean the thing I’m thinking they mean. And no where is there any idea what they are talking about. 
Like I said, don’t ask. A friend said she’s going to find a WordPress for Dummies book. Sounds like a good idea to me. 

Almost Back to Normal

We pushed, pulled, tugged, packed, unpacked, yelled, laughed, ate the wrong things, sometimes didn’t eat, couldn’t fall asleep, woke way too early, and did it all over again the next day for four days. No, scratch that, five days including the Monday clean up.

Wait, scratch that again-every day since Memorial Day! Whew!

That flea market job at our church’s Greek festival is grueling work, but fun at the same time. All weekend we marveled at the crazy people and the general craziness of the whole thing. A couple of new volunteers said they had the best time with us and will be helping again next year.

I don’t even want to think about next year right now! My body aches all over.

Most of my Greek dance students

Want to see some happy faces? Just look at these kids! These are most of my Greek dance students at their final performance on Sunday afternoon. I can’t be sure if they are smiling because they’re happy or that it’s finally over, but they certainly are adorable. They performed so well, too.

Now that the festival is over I can get some sleep, get back to the easel and some normalcy.

Finished Friday

There is so much going on here I don’t know how I find time to post. In a nutshell: prepare to go on a vacation, go to the destination, return and unpack, dive right in to Holy Week preparations, attend church services, bake the required Easter things, keep up with the painting schedule, keep up with the Get Organized class, run the regular errands, and all that.

I am tired.
But here is a finished item for Friday, before I collapse!
Tomatoes ©2012 Dora Sislian Themelis
9×12 Watercolor, Arches cold press paper 140lb

Just thought I’d throw in the photos of the work in progress so you don’t have to jump around here to see it. And that brush I didn’t like working with over there in the center photo, you remember? A commenter had such good thoughts about using tools you love, and how this particular brush is supposed to be used. 

Now I just have to finish up this week and a brand new Monday will be waiting for me. Ahhh..