Finally A Finished Product

The painting was patiently waiting for me to return to the studio to finish it. And now it’s done. I added more color and dimension and called it quits. This photo does not do it justice. The background is not as green as it seems here. There’s ochre and blue, burnt sienna and umber, but okay. 

More importantly, it is a finished work.

Flower Shadows, 18×24 Watercolor
©2013 Dora Sislian Themelis

What’s a little bit more exciting is that I also started and finished another smaller painting on the same day as this was finished. While this was drying, I designed and finished two new necklaces. Let me say that I was on a roll that day. Making the decision to work, having it become a commitment to working, caused productivity. Heady stuff.

Also exciting, on my end anyway, is my new venture. I’ve been working on a new blog/website platform on WordPress and it has been a struggle. However, it’s a clean, neat look and still needs decorating. Just like new diggs, decorating takes time.

Please drop in over there and visit. I’ve written a little more about this painting, with a few views of the different sessions it took to get to the finished product. I’m a newbie over there, but I’d love it if you commented and let me know what you think.

Visit the new site here Dora Sislian Themelis Art

Eventually I’ll Figure This Out

Knit Baby Hat

As I pull my hair out of my head by developing a new website/blog I have resorted to double posting. How wonderful is that? Um, it’s not. I have never been more flabbergasted by the steepest learning curve I have come across since geometry in high school. Man, it’s difficult.

However, knitting has been happening. Painting? I can’t right now. I think I might have to change that up soon too. Oil paints have been calling me and I might oblige, if Mr. Resistance will let me.

This baby hat was knit in one sitting, while sort of watching television one night. Soon as it was finished I started another one, same pretty color in this lovely wool yarn. I love how the stitches look all nice and neat and together. Happy me.

So yeah, WordPress. Crazy people think it’s so easy to develop yourself, so professional looking. Well, okay, it’s professional, clean, neat, crisp, if you find the right theme to work with. Then there are the plugins, the widgets, the menus, the categories. Ugh, like I said, there’s a lot to learn language wise.

So, here I am, blogging over here, and, blogging over there. How I am going to move this blog over to that blog I have no clue.

I guess I’ll figure that one out, eventually.

Art Language is Easy, Computer Language, Not so Much

Navigating to a new blogging platform is becoming a “thing.” There’s new language to learn, first off, and working is ridiculously difficult if you speak English and “they” speak Swahili, if you catch my drift.

Greek Dish, 9×10 Watercolor ©Dora Sislian Themelis

Managing this present blog is easy. However, the look of the new site is much nicer, and a bit more professional. If I could figure it out I’d be golden. It’s going to take some time. Learning a new language isn’t as easy as they say it is.

The language of art comes naturally to me. Thank goodness, or I’d be toast. The vocabulary I need to learn are the words that will kick out Mr. Resistance from my space.

Now that’s a tough cookie.

Knitting my Way Out

Painting is just not happening here, guys. Mr. Resistance and Mrs. Distraction, yes I decided distraction is female, have taken up spots on the couch and aren’t even thinking of leaving soon.

So I’m knitting.

Big Rib Hand Knit Cowl ©Dora Sislian Themelis
Well, not just knitting, but photographing the finished products, and uploading them to my Etsy shop. You’re welcome to go and browse, if you like. No pressure to shop, don’t worry.
Besides knitting, I’m working on a new project. I’ve taken the plunge and ordered my own domain name. Yeah, now I’m a “dot com.” Don’t ask too many questions, because I really don’t have many answers. Seems it’s the thing to do, but Man, is it a difficult trek through uncharted waters.
Learning curve is steep, deep, thick, and hard work.
In “dot com” land the language isn’t English. Yes, I read the explanation of whatever, it seems to make sense, but the words do not mean the thing I’m thinking they mean. And no where is there any idea what they are talking about. 
Like I said, don’t ask. A friend said she’s going to find a WordPress for Dummies book. Sounds like a good idea to me.