Coffee And Paint Drips Blog

Finally A Finished Product

The painting was patiently waiting for me to return to the studio to finish it. And now it’s done. I added more color and dimension and called it quits. This photo does not do it justice. The background is not as green as it seems here. There’s ochre and blue, burnt sienna and umber, but okay. 

More importantly, it is a finished work.

Flower Shadows, 18×24 Watercolor
©2013 Dora Sislian Themelis

What’s a little bit more exciting is that I also started and finished another smaller painting on the same day as this was finished. While this was drying, I designed and finished two new necklaces. Let me say that I was on a roll that day. Making the decision to work, having it become a commitment to working, caused productivity. Heady stuff.

Also exciting, on my end anyway, is my new venture. I’ve been working on a new blog/website platform on WordPress and it has been a struggle. However, it’s a clean, neat look and still needs decorating. Just like new diggs, decorating takes time.

Please drop in over there and visit. I’ve written a little more about this painting, with a few views of the different sessions it took to get to the finished product. I’m a newbie over there, but I’d love it if you commented and let me know what you think.

Visit the new site here Dora Sislian Themelis Art

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Decision, Commitment, Productivity

It seems that making the Decision, leading to a Commitment, causes Productivity. It should only work like that every day. Here I am fighting and arguing with Mr. Resistance, and once I made the decision to get to work, Wham! it happens. That commitment to get myself to the studio and do some much needed painting really worked.

Next painting

A while ago I read The Artist’s Way, by Julia Cameron, which helps artists of all types break away from their creative blocks. It was definitely an eye opener and the tasks helped me move forward in my art making. However, now and then I slide right back into that comfortable mode of “I’ll get to it later.” And you know how that is, later never comes, time passes, and we forget everything we learned.

Things happen, plans fall through, the “lights” go out, in more ways than one, and art just doesn’t seem to happen.

Until I read about decisions becoming commitment. The brain knows what it’s doing, trying to distract us from our work. But the commitment I made shook it all up. I guess it works, huh?

Session 3

You see, I was on a roll, painting along so effortlessly, when I was so rudely interrupted by a mess of a hurricane here in New York. This painting was begun in earnest, each stage worked in small segments of time, gradually developing when my lights l

iterally went out. I stopped painting this and anything else. Nothing in the way of creativity.

Knitting took painting’s place for a while, as we regrouped. The holidays came and went, I sold some work at some events, but painting did not resume. Mr. Resistance was getting nice and cozy, until I “Decided” to move on.

Flower Shadows, 18×24 Watercolor, Arches 140lb cold press paper @2013 Dora Sislian Themelis
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Thought for Thursday

“As an artist, I do not need to be rich but I do need to be richly supported. I cannot allow my emotional and intellectual life to stagnate or the work will show it. My life will show it. My temperament will show it. If I don’t create, I get crabby.” ~Julia Cameron, The Artist’s Way

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Decision Equals Commitment

Information sometimes comes at the wrong time. The brain is not ready to accept certain ideas, facts, data and the like. However, the information presented is digested and the time eventually comes when we need to make a decision. The decision, then, becomes our responsibility. Decisions lead to action.

Trail ©2012 Dora Sislian Themelis

Recently I had a choice to make on another online program. Take the course, or don’t take the course. The course would have been beneficial in that I would not learn anything business-wise any where else, given the fact that I am not going back to school. Please, not at this stage in the game, and not for business.

The deciding factor was finances. This course was pricey. Okay, I would learn things I didn’t know, but the question hung on me: Would the cost translate into actionable usage? Would it benefit me in ways I would see in concrete form. Or, would it benefit me in time, with more help, needing more learning? I just couldn’t justify the price at this point. With plenty of other ways of getting information at my fingertips right now, I passed on the course. Next time around I’ll rethink it.

Someone would be making money, not necessarily me. For now I’ll just Google whatever I need to know.

But the course presenter sent out a free and informative video workshop with good thoughts on moving ahead and making things happen. A big take away for me was the idea that we need to make a decision first, and that decision, what ever it might be, is a commitment. Once we make a commitment, we take action.

“Once we take action, the Universe bends to support you,” the presenter emphasized. That statement struck me, reminding me of the book I read a while ago The Science of Getting Rich, by Wallace Wattles, from 1908, I think.

I get that. Making decisions is like saying there’s no B.S. now, you’ve got to get things done. Take charge. Act. Be a doer. Push it. Do it.

Making the commitment was the easy part. Kicking out Mr. Resistance is the hard part.

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Thought for Thursday

“If you hold a cat by the tail, you learn things you couldn’t any other way.”~Mark Twain

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Eventually I’ll Figure This Out

Knit Baby Hat

As I pull my hair out of my head by developing a new website/blog I have resorted to double posting. How wonderful is that? Um, it’s not. I have never been more flabbergasted by the steepest learning curve I have come across since geometry in high school. Man, it’s difficult.

However, knitting has been happening. Painting? I can’t right now. I think I might have to change that up soon too. Oil paints have been calling me and I might oblige, if Mr. Resistance will let me.

This baby hat was knit in one sitting, while sort of watching television one night. Soon as it was finished I started another one, same pretty color in this lovely wool yarn. I love how the stitches look all nice and neat and together. Happy me.

So yeah, WordPress. Crazy people think it’s so easy to develop yourself, so professional looking. Well, okay, it’s professional, clean, neat, crisp, if you find the right theme to work with. Then there are the plugins, the widgets, the menus, the categories. Ugh, like I said, there’s a lot to learn language wise.

So, here I am, blogging over here, and, blogging over there. How I am going to move this blog over to that blog I have no clue.

I guess I’ll figure that one out, eventually.

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Resistance Makes me Knit

Knit Baby Hat ©Dora Sislian Themelis

Well, here we are at WordPress, trying my best to get myself together and move the blog along. Mr. Resistance is doing his very best to make me crazy. If Mr. Resistance doesn’t make me crazy, WordPress definitely will do the job.

It’s a steep learning curve and it’s embarrassing how hard it really is to be up and running. Everyone says Use WordPress, it’s professional looking, it is so easy to use, you’ll feel like a rock star. To be perfectly honest, I feel like an idiot. This is stuff that kids probably can do blindfolded. Me? Meh.

First you need to find a host. Then you need to decide on a “theme.” After that, which in itself could give you anxiety, you need to configure the whole shebang. I don’t know who those people are that think this is easy. They must be making money telling people anyone can do this.

Who are those people?

Little old artist me is doing her best to keep it together, yes I am.

Who could paint? This is ridiculous. But I can knit! Yeah, knitting is happening here. This adorable little baby boy’s hat was knit in one sitting while watching some dopey thing on TV. Lovely blue wool yarn will keep a baby nice and warm. Sized to fit a newborn to maybe a year old. My granddaughter pulled it on her own head the other day and she’s two and a half now.

I won’t be comfortable with this new platform until I’m done customizing it, and learning how to even add content. Typing my thoughts, wrapping them around my photos, adding captions, and whatever else, is taking up much of my energy.

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Thought for Thursday

I am definitely going to take a course on time management… just as soon as I can work it into my schedule.”~Louis E. Boone

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Resistance Likes Painting, Not Knitting

The thing about resistance is that it has a life of it’s own. Mr. Resistance is not a nice entity and can waylay one’s ambitions just as surely as the sun rising and setting each day. 

In other words, it/he/whatever is powerful. And some days it’s just easier to let resistance have it’s way.

The Big Rib Cowl

However, knitting is happening here. Lots of knitting these quick big knits have been flying off my needles. That Mr. Resistance just likes painting right now, I guess.

Last week I participated in another shopping event. I brought the same wares: paintings, notecards of paintings, jewelry, and hand knitting. Everyone was very positive about all of my work. I met some very interesting people and had some wonderful conversations. One baby bracelet sold the whole night.

Most of us vendors enjoy meeting each other, looking at our wares, and doing some shopping ourselves! It’s a nice evening out. Even nicer if pieces sell. Overall, it’s good exposure, good practice speaking about my work, and the work gets out there in public.

But these cowls I’ve been knitting have become a popular item. I’ve sold quite a few so far.

Right away the colors are strong, just how I like it. The pattern is big. I like that too. There’s a little sparkle. Also nice.

So, okay, maybe the paintings aren’t moving as well as the knitting, and some jewelry designs. But the plus side is that if I sell some knitting I get to buy art supplies.

I should only paint.

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Thought for Thursday

“I love making friends. It’s people I can’t stand.”~Linus, Peanuts
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