Now for more color.. |
Hip hopping on the process, baby! Just coasting on this latest watercolor and having such a good time I hope I keep going. Better not crash land, or it will be a bad thing.
Friday was a lovely day here in New York, for February. When do you get 52F in February? If the weather stays like this (which it probably won’t) I will be happy. Last year this time we were over our heads in snow with no where to put a shovel full.
Plan in hand, I went over my to-do list. At #1 was Painting. I drew a line underneath that and wrote out the rest of my list. As I finished each one I crossed it off. House neat? Done. Read emails all dressed and ready, instead of in pajamas? Done. Online class? Done. Out the door!
Errands checked off as I continued with painting in my head. Made it home before noon. Set up my iPad, got my lunch, read my snail mail and email, then off to the studio.
I will mention one item on my gratitude list for today: I can see the sunny day out my basement studio window. That helps.
With the painting ready and waiting I got to work, adding more color, defining other areas, trying out how to work all those berries. Now I need another tube of paint I ran out of so I marked it on my list.
Honestly, I don’t know how long I worked on this. Before I knew it the day was gone and it was late in the afternoon.
Heaven is a quiet day of work. Process!