The more I get involved in this blogging thing, the more it makes me bang my head against the nearest wall.
It’s so tiring when things don’t work the way things are supposed to work. These people say it’s so easy, it’s so straightforward, cut/paste/link, Ta-Da!
They lie.
I promised a fellow twitter user I’d write up a blog post about some commerce we fell into online, and wouldn’t you know, I can’t figure out how to post our posts. Twitter embed something or other, and it was not working. At least I couldn’t figure out how it could look anything like what I saw on our twitter feed.
Just copy the block and paste it in the field. Yeah. No way.
So anyway..I’ll tell you my story now that I’ve ranted.
A while ago I signed up for an About Me page and a twitter user found me through it, told me he liked my paintings, and if I had some notecards he’d buy them in a snap.
These are some of the notecards I had available at that moment and my twitter “friend” was thrilled!
Ed Milligan of @justasked on twitter purchased 6 of my notecards. We had a really lovely exchange and he was very nice about sending me payment including shipping costs.
Now, if I could figure out how to show you the photo of the cards he bought I’d be a genius. All I can do is copy the links to our tweets, so go ahead and click to see it.